Previously in the Giver Jonas is learning
about the rules that he need to fallow with The Giver, he is teaching Jonas.
Next Jonas started to see the memories of other people and in one memory's he
see that people make Animal Pouching. Jonas started to feel the painful of
other people because of the memories of his job; Jonas started to taking care
of Baby Gabriel and Jonas started to see a memory of Gabriel that calm Gabriel
to sleep. Jonas is seeing the memories of warfare, he is seeing the pain of a
boy that die he is seeing that after the boy die Jonas give water
to the kid. Jonas is having a live not to comfortable because he is
seeing a lot of pain full memories. The Giver is telling memories the he like,
he like Christmas, and grandparents.
When Jonas remember the memorie of warefare |
I will like to use
this quote because Jonas is not going to take his pill and he would going to
have many problems, he need to take the pills because he do not need to
remember the memories that he do not have seen. Next Jonas was going to take
the pills but something in his body told him the through the pill. Jonas knows
that something weird is happened because he is seeing the memories and his body
do not want to take the pill.
"The next
morning for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him,
something that had grown there thoughts the memories, told him to grow the pill
away."(Lowry 129)
The pill that Jonas do not take |
In these chapters
a lot of interesting things are happening so I want to make a prediction of
what will happen next. I think that in Jonas community a lot of thing are going
to change because Jonas will started to see the memories of his family and
Jonas will be very frustrated because he cannot have the same live he have when
he was young just because of his assignment. I think the Jonas will said to The
Giver that he do not like hiss assignments and The Giver is going to explain
Jonas what he need to do when he is seeing the memories of other people. The
Giver is going to be a good friend of Jonas because he will be there always to say
Jonas what he is doing bad. Jonas will very frustrate because he is not free
and he need to follow the rules of the assignment.
The Giver is going to be there for Jonas |